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The list-style-type property is used to style the bullet point/numbering. This is applied to the <ul> or <ol> tags. 

There are many different values that you can use for this property:

For unordered lists (ul):

  • Circle => gives a circle bullet point (default setting)
  • Square => gives a square bullet point

For numbered lists (ol):

  • Lower-alpha or upper-alpha => gives numbering as letters (a, b, c etc)
  • Lower-roman or upper-roman => numbers using roman numerals (i, ii, iii etc) 

Lower means that the letters or roman numerals will be lower case and upper means that the letters or roman numerals will be upper case.


List-Style-Type: None

List-style-type: none can be used to remove the bullet points but still keep the text in a list format. This also needs to be combined with padding: 0 and margin: 0.


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