3.4: ❗ Variables Challenge


3.4: ❗ Variables Challenge

Topic Progress:

Your variables challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to fix the code below. All three print() statements should be outputting ‘True’, but all of them are writing ‘False’ at the moment. Make edits to the first three lines of code to fix this, and pass the variables section of the course!


For those of you who either found the above challenge too easy or just want to push yourself, here is a bonus challenge designed to be trickier. You don’t need to complete this challenge to complete the variables topic, however, variables are important to understand in python so pushing yourself will be worth it.

I’ve always wanted to know what it’s like to have friends. So I’ve built a simulation of people talking. However I’m lazy and don’t want to finish it, please make it work!

The end result should seem like a totally normal conversation [without things in square brackets].


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