📜 Challenge 1: Make a Story

Now that we know how to ask for a bit of text and combine it in different ways… You need either use or come up with a story to tell, where you ask a few questions, like a character’s name, their favourite colour, and use the answers as part of the story.

Out of Ideas?

Alright. If you’re not the creative type, you can use the template below:

(adjective) MacDonald had a (noun), E-I-E-I-O
and on that (noun) he had a (animal), 
E-I-E-I-O with a (sound) (sound) here 
and a (sound) (sound) there, here a (sound), 
there a (sound), everywhere a (sound) (sound), 
(adjective) MacDonald had a (noun), E-I-E-I-O.

Make the words in brackets (( and )) variables and print out each line to the console.

Bonus Challenge

For a bonus challenge, you can capitalise the words at the beginning of a sentence and make sure everything is grammatically correct with the words that go put in.


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