


Topic Progress:

Sprites are images that can be manipulated by the application. They are our actors or characters which can do tasks inside our application such as: 

  • Move around the screen
  • Colliding or Interacting with other Sprites
  • Changing orientation

Go ahead and add a canvas to your application and navigate to the canvas tab.

This will generate a default sprite on your stage.

Now select the sprite type in your placed components section, underneath the stage.

Sprite_Type1 is a parent-type to Sprite1. This means that Sprite1, and any sprites that are also children of Sprite_Type1, will all share the same rules and default images.

This means that if we wanted to make a rule or change a rule about all of the same type of sprite, we only have to change Sprite_Type1.

Now that Sprite_Type1 is selected, we can change its properties on the right.

As you can see, our sprite currently has no file set for its image, which is why the default Thunkable sprite is displayed.

You can upload an image or simply direct it to an image url link. Remember to be digitally responsible and don’t upload images that are offensive!

This will add that image to the sprites costume list, labeled in Thunkable as “Picture list”.

You will also notice that all your sprites will change their image to this new picture.

Feel free to play around with sprites by adding images or types before continuing on.

Move on to the next lesson when you are comfortable with sprites and their properties.


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