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HTML tags have attributes. Attributes allow you to change different properties of the tag. They always go inside the start tag. For example:

<h1 style=”color: red”; > Hello World </h1> 

The attribute in the above example is called style. We are putting the style attribute inside a <h1> tag. The style attribute allows you to change the way a tag is styled. In this case, we are styling the <h1> tag to have the color red. There are many attributes that you can use in different tags.  Attributes always have follow the formula: attribute name = “value

For example: (attribute name = width , value = 20px) leads to: width=”20px”

Table of possible attributes you can use:

src specifies an image filename .
width changes width of image.
height changes height of image.
style used to change styling elements.
lang used to declare what language the document is in
title can be applied to <p> tags, appears when hovering over paragraph.
href defines the link address in <a> tags.


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